The PCR tests are available in town of Krk from Tuesday, August 18th in front of Tourist Ambulance in Krk (Vinogradska 2b), between 8:00 and 11:00 am. (except saturday and sunday)
Tests are performed by Nastavni zavod za javno zdravstvo Primorsko-Goranske Županije (Public (Teaching) Health Institute; NZJZ PGŽ).
The PCR test cost 698,21 kuna (cca 93€). Paying method: Cash only!
Before testing, it is necessary to fill in the form and provide a contact e-mail to which the test result is subsequently sent. The test is complete within 24 hours.
Note: Please do not enter the Ambulante facilites by yourself.
For bigger groups (10 + persons):
In order to get tested , you need to either call them +385 51 221 955 to make an appointment or e-mail them at epidemiologija.krk@zzjzpgz.hr with your general information (name, date of birth, address, nationality, some type of identifier number similar to a VAT number or whatever your country uses to identify you), your current contact information (mobile phone number) and an explanation as to why do you need the test.
Test in town RIJEKA:
Persons who wish to make a PCR test on COVID-19 from nasal oro/pharyngeal swab could send a e-mail to: narucivanje@zzjzpgz.hr or Call center 051/554-802.
The cost of testing is 698,21 HRK and should be paid in advance.
Payment instructions: Order form with required information should be sent by e-mail to the above address, and in the return the offer with payment details will be received. Upon the receipt of proof of payment, and filled form for delivering the result by e-mail, a term for testing will be booked.
Taking swabs and testing are carried out exclusively upon the received order. It is possible to place an order every day from 7 AM to 9 PM, and from 7AM to 3PM on Saturdays.
Taking swabs are carried every day and Saturdays at the parking lot of the Teaching Institute of Public Health, Krešimirova 52a. 51000 Rijeka.
The results, in Croatian and English, will be ready next working day and sent to e-mail address or can be delivered at the window from the Microbiological department, at the ground floor of the Institute buildin
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