Dražen Filipović - Pegla
Punat, 08. 08 - 04. 09. 2008
Boats and performances, landscapes and interiors, a variety of motifs, nevertheless a union of principles and skills, that strongly denude reality reducing it on basic surfaces through the fullness of the spiral, instead of moving it. A division of plans offers a wealth of visual transformation in which specific and broken space represents a synthesis of realistic experiences and creative thinking of shapes and figures.
By composing basic and recognizable accents, Dražen Filipović Pegla creates pieces of work containing elements of geometrics, with surfaces worked out in detail giving an authentic atmosphere. Their strength derives from these details, from carefully thought-out lines and by the finish of the painting’s every detail which can stand on its own, but can only be read in its entirety, in a grandiose, courageous and with an artistic vision without restraint.
The abstraction of appearance is likely to reduce the work to a monochrome scale: of white, grey and black reinforcing the brightness of the view to the simplicity of a poster. By adding red, orange and blue its intensity is increased and is confirmed in the security of choice and sufficiency of fullness as local colour is always clean and surprising.
These are paintings–drawings, which are simple and light but at the same time complex, systematic and strong, pictures of reality and at the same time full of vivacity and devoid of restraint although serious and heavy, depending on the angle they are looked at and on the hand that is underlining and taking note of their consciousness and being. The personality and recognition of the model, nature, the area from where the painting’s the scenery was taken. The mysteriousness of the moment remains within the author himself who leaves us his works as a contemporary sign of time that has been caught in a frame and continues forever.
Jasna Rodin, prof.
Dražen Filipović – Pegla
was born in 1944 in Podravska Slatina. He graduated as a Teacher at the Training Academy in Rijeka, in the Department of fine arts with a course in painting and at the Teacher–Training College course of Organizing cultural events. He has taken part in many group and individual exhibitions in Croatia and abroad where he was invited as an individual author or as part of a commission. He has received many prizes and acknowledgments for his work. He has been a member of the Croatian Association of Artists (HDLU) in Rijeka since 1980 and in 1981 was recognized as a free lance artist. He has also been a member of the HDLU in Zagreb since 1995. Besides painting he also works as an interior designer.
Address: B. Milanovića 7, Rijeka

Organizator: Turistička zajednica općine Punat
Medijski pokrovitelj: Radio Otok Krk
Koordinator i urednici: Jasna Rodin, prof.
Petar Kopanica
Predgovor: Jasna Rodin, prof.
Realizacija: Comgraf d.o.o. Umag
Nakladnik: Branko Karabaić, direktor TZ