Eco-ethno fair of Croatian products
We invite you to the fair of domestic products, which will be held from 28.7.2023. until 30.7.2023. from 10:00 to 22:00 in Punat, Trg zahvalnosti. Free workshops for children and adults will be organized at the fair itself.
19-20 hours - children's workshops on the topic of making flowers from cones
20-21 hours - workshop for adults/children with adults Sand drawing (Pjesko-Zagreb craft)
09:00-22:00 - sales exhibition of association members
19-20 hours - children's workshops on the topic of making animals from cones and felt
19-20 hours - workshop for adults/children with departures Painting of traditional Croatian wooden toys
(Homemade by Sonja Marchioli-Krk)
09:00-22:00 - sales exhibition of association members
10-12 hours - children's workshops on the topic of making fish from plastic bottles
19-20 hours - workshop for adults/children with adults Drawing on glass (OPG Kovačić-Zagreb)
09:00-22:00 - sales exhibition of association members
List of exhibitors
Craft Pjesko (Zagreb) - indoor plants, succulents and arrangements made of sand
OPG Hero (Matulji) - goji berry products
OPG Suzana Pilat (Pazin) - honey products, vinegar, oil
Homework of Sonja Marchioli (Krk) - carpentry and baskets
OPG Kovačić - berry products (Zagreb)
OPG Marin - dried meat products
Pivovara Paliska - domestic beer (Rijeka)
The program is subject to change due to weather conditions.
If necessary and expressed interest, we join or change the time of the workshop.